Sunday, August 10, 2008

Linus is Darth Vader, and IBM stole Linux

In the 80ties we all hated IBM. It was the empire.

Then Microsoft was born. In then years we all hated Microsoft. It became the empire, and anyway, it came from the empire.

In the 90ties a revolution started! A new kid took the force with him. Linux was born!
It was a new hope! A new Unix-like operating system outside the control of the dark side! So great, so good!

Linus was a revolutionary, the Che Guevara of code! The world was about to change.

We felt so good! It was a huge hit against the Microsoft empire, they were doomed.

Thousands of people contributed code. They didn't code for money, they did code for a better world! It was so good.

So Linux started to be much more than an operating system. It was freedom, freedom in the software world, freedom all around, just freedom and hope. And it was cool, and we all learnt to feel it was cool.

Today every teenager with a computer knows Linux is not only free, it's cool. Every university freshman knows and feels it is cool. Of course Microsoft is a huge bad thing.

But, meanwhile, something happened. We didn't care about it, and we still don't care. Our eyes are blinded, it doesn't matter what you hear, Linux is cool. Period. Obviously they did their job.

The empire stroke back! Yes, but not the new empire (a.k.a. Microsoft), the real one, the big one, the one: IBM.

The hard facts: IBM is the number one getting revenue out of Linux!

Just a few links below, so you can check it yourself!

  • IBM's Linux Revenue up 56%
  • Big blue tops Linux market!
  • They really take care of their marketing message

    Ok, you already knew, right? And you don't care, right? Linux is still cool, right?

    Yes, it is, technically speaking it is, the original idea? Yes, it's still cool. But, look, what happened? Yes, it is not freedom anymore, it is just corporate marketing guys!

    They stole the whole thing!

    So, using Linux and feeling like a revolutionary is like buying Che's t-shirts at Wall-mart!

    And, what about Linus himself?

    We could have decided to start his own company, help himself (hey! Gates is rich, Linus is cleverer, shouldn't he be richer?), and probably help the world in new ways. He's so good he could give away all his money to the poor people around the glove!!

    Had he started his own company... Linux would be really free today!

    Sadly, it isn't!

    He decided to become The Empire Pawn!

    And now, not only Linux is IBM's cash cow (yes, and a number of other companies too, they all very friendly and happy and good for people! :-(), but they now tell the community (empire servants) how they must do they job:

    Yes, Linux used to be cool and free, but now, let's face it, is a corporate drone!

    Ok, let's still use it, but let's, at least, see the Truth behind the scenes!

    Anonymous said...

    Oh boohoo, grow up. You give linux users a bad name for being a childish complainer.

    Anonymous said...

    Read the post again.

    It has nothing to do with Linux users, I think.

    It's about how we all think Linux is so cool, but then we forget IBM is close behind.

    Anonymous said...

    If you think Linux is cool, then you have serious issues. It's an operating system for christ's sake.